Awards for Faculty
Outstanding Service to GPEIG Award
Nominations due June 18th in even-numbered years
Launched in 2016, this award is presented in even number years and recognizes an individual/faculty member whose exceptional service, practice, scholarship, and/or leadership has had a lasting and positive impact on GPEIG's mission and/or the strengthening of the institution.
Nomination Process
Nominations may come from faculty or administrators at ACSP member schools. Nominations should consist of two letters, at least one of which should be from individuals not within the nominee's own institution. The letters should that state the ways in which the nominee has, through her or his service, contributed to the strengthening of GPEIG's mission.
Please email the two nominating letters to by June 22.
Award Committee
Bish Sanyal (Chair), MIT (
Vinit Mukhija, UCLA (
Annette Kim, University of Southern California (
Praveen Maghelal, Khalifa University (
Jimmy Chen, Virginia Commonwealth University ( -
Best Journal Article Award
Submissions due August 1st
The GPEIG (Global Planning Educators Interest Group) is pleased to announce the GPEIG Best Journal Article Award. This award will honor an outstanding recent journal article on planning and development issues in global context. Papers that emphasize subjects related to the global South will given priority for this award, although comparative work such as those comparing or linking South and North are also welcome.
The awardee(s) will be announced and honored at the GPEIG Business Meeting at the Association for Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) conference.
The affiliation of the authors need not be affiliated with ACSP institutions, but at least one should be a regular participant in the planning educational networks such as ACSP and others.
Criteria For Submission
- Published within the past 3 years in a peer-reviewed journal
- Either single or a multiple authored paper
- Has contributed in one or more of the following ways:Taking a novel approach towards data collection and/or analysis
Making a significant scholarly impact in understanding critical issues facing global planning generally
Speaking in a unique or uniquely effective way to practitioners
Nomination Procedure
Nominations may come from self, faculty or administrators at ACSP-member schools. Nominations should consist of two letters, at least one of which should be from individuals not within the nominee's own institution, that state the ways in which the article has contributed to GPEIG's mission by meeting the criteria described above.
Please email the article and two nominating letters to by June 1st.
Award Committee
Dr. Abigail Friendly, Chair, Utrecht University, a.r.friendly@uu.nlDr. Magdalena Novoa E., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Dr. Raksha Vasudevan, Teachers College, Columbia University,